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  • How much does it cost to make an application?
    Applications for leave to enter or remain in the UK often come with a fee determined by the UK Home Office. Some of the current fees per applicant are as follows: Visa/ Applications made outside the UK Visit Visa – 6 Months £93.00 Visit Visa- 2 Years Multiple £350.00 Visit Visa – 5Years Multiple £636.00 Visit Visa – 10 Years Multiple £798.00 Short term Student Visa- 6 Months £97.00 Settlement £1523.00 Settlement-Other dependant relative £3250.00 Settlement-Refugee dependant relative £388.00 Points Based System-Applications made outside the UK Tier 1 (Entreprenuer) £1,021.00 Tier 1 (Investor) £1,623.00 Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) £152.00 Tier 1 (Graduate Entreprenuer) £363 EEA Family Permit £0.00 Applications Made in the UK Leave to remain as a visitor £993.00 Leave to remain -Other (FLR) App £1,033.00 Indefinite leave to remain (SET) App £2,389.00 EEA Registration certificate and residence cards £65.00 Points based system- applications made in the UK Tier 1 (General) dependant £1,878 Tier 1 (Entreprenuer) £1,277.00 Tier 1 (Investor) £1,623.00 Tier 1 (Graduate Entreprenuer) £493.00 Tier 2 (General) where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for 3 years or less £704.00 Tier 2 (General) where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for a period of more than 3 years £1,408 Tier 2 (General) Shortage of occupation where a certificate of sponsorship as been issued for a period of 3 years or less £464.00 Tier 2 (General) shortage of occupation where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for a period more than 3 years £928.00 Tier 4 £475.00 Tier 5 £244.00 Nationality fees Naturalisation as British £1,330.00 Nationality Registration -Adult £1,206.00 Nationality Registration -Child £1,012.00 Citizenship ceremony £80.00 Renunciation of nationality £372.00 Appeals to First tier tribunal (refundable if your appeal is allowed) £140.00 Note: These fees do not include the legal fees charged by Tamsons Legal Services for representing clients.
  • Am I eligible for a Spouse or Civil Partnership Visa?
    If you would like to join your partner in the UK and they currently hold settled status, you can apply for something known as a Spouse or Civil Partnership Visa. This type of settlement visa will allow you to live in the UK for up to 30 months, after which you can apply for a further extension of 30 months if you continue to meet the requirements. This can then lead to an application for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK after 5 years continues residence in the same category. If you and your partner have been living together in another EU country where your partner is a British citizen, you may also be eligible through what is known as the ‘Surinder Singh’ route
  • Am I eligible for a Fiance(e) or Civil Engagement Visa?
    As the non-European fiance(e) or proposed civil partner of a British citizen or a person with settled status in the UK, you must obtain a Fiance Visa before travelling to the UK to get married or undergo a civil partnership ceremony (you cannot apply from the UK.
  • Am I eligible for an Unmarried Partner Visa?
    An Unmarried Partner Visa allows unmarried partners to enter the UK provided they are in a genuine, long-term, committed relationship with a British citizen. This visa type is also commonly known as a UK Defacto Visa and can be applied in the cases of both heterosexual and homosexual relationships.
  • How long does a Spouse Visa or Civil Partnership Visa last for?
    The initial period after a Spouse comes to the UK on a marriage is 30 months years, after you will be required to apply for an extension of leave to remain. The extension of a Spouse Visa is applicable, assuming both parties are still living together and can provide proof of a continuous relationship. If successful your leave to remain will be extended for another 30 months.
  • What are my options if my relationship breaks down?
    If you’re in the UK on a Spouse Visa and your marriage comes to an end, you will be subject to something known as Spouse Visa curtailment and your visa will be cancelled/Curtailed.
  • How will Brexit affect my status as an EU citizen in the UK?
    An ‘implementation period’ will run from when the UK leave the EU to 31 December 2020. The rights of EU citizens and their families living in the UK will not change until 1 January 2021. Until this date, EU citizens will continue to be able to live here and access public funds and services as they do at the moment. From later this year, EU citizens and their family members living in the UK will be able to start applying for UK immigration status through the new EU Settlement Scheme. People who are living in the UK by 31 December 2020 will have until 30 June 2021 to make an application for status under the scheme. From 1 July 2021, EU citizens and their family members in the UK must hold or have applied for UK immigration status to be here legally. You will not need to apply if you’re an Irish citizen, but may choose to do so if you wish. Rights for citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland are currently being negotiated, but we intend that the settlement scheme will be open to them.

Tamsons Legal Services is registered and regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner Registration Number: F201100408


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Tamsons Legal Service                                    Citygate House

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 E7 9HZ


Tel:   0203 4894550

Fax:  0203 7743663


Tamsons Legal Services is a UK based law practice specialising in General non-reserved legal services and all aspects of UK Immigration, Nationality, European Union and Human Rights Law. Tamsons Legal Services is a UK based law practice specialising in General non-reserved legal services and all aspects of UK Immigration, Nationality, European Union and Human Rights Law.  Read More




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