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Tamsons Legal Services can also assist with applications to enter or remain in the UK as the husband, wife or civil partner of a British citizen or someone who is settled here.

 In this category applicants must amongst other things, show that:


  • The husband, wife or civil partner is currently living and settled in the UK; or returning to the UK with the applicant to live permanently;

  • they are legally married to each other or have registered a civil partnership;

  • they are both at least 21 years old (or 18 if a serving member of HM Forces);

  • they intend to live together permanently as husband and wife or civil partners;

  • There is now a requirement that an applicant must show they meet the English language requirement, unless they can show that they qualify for an exemption;


If you are already in the UK, it is possible to switch into the category of husband, wife or civil partner if:


  • you are currently in the UK with permission as a fiance(e) or proposed civil partner, or as the husband, wife, civil partner or unmarried/same-sex partner of a Tier 1 migrant or

  • you entered the UK in a different immigration category (for example, as a student), and have been given permission to live here for a total of more than 6 months since your most recent admission to the UK


Note that to be able to switch, your current permission must have been given in accordance with the Immigration Rules, not 'exceptionally' (outside the Immigration Rules).

Visa Application


Unmarried Partners


This is where partners have lived together for at least 2 years in a relationship akin to marriage. The requirements are the same as spouses in respect of intention to live permanently with each other, maintenance and accommodation and prior entry clearance.

Immigration Solisitors

Tamsons Legal Services is registered and regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner Registration Number: F201100408


© 2018 by Tamsons Legal Services


Tamsons Legal Service                                    Citygate House

246 - 250 Romford Road 


 E7 9HZ


Tel:   0203 4894550

Fax:  0203 7743663


Tamsons Legal Services is a UK based law practice specialising in General non-reserved legal services and all aspects of UK Immigration, Nationality, European Union and Human Rights Law. Tamsons Legal Services is a UK based law practice specialising in General non-reserved legal services and all aspects of UK Immigration, Nationality, European Union and Human Rights Law.  Read More




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